Serving the areas surrounding Finksburg, MD for 50 years, Pack 395 meets at Sandymount Methodist church on Monday nights from September through May. With Dens for boys and girls from Kindergarden to 5th grade there is a place for your kids to grow and learn. Our adult leaders use the well planned activities developed by the BSA.
Stop in on a Monday night with your child for an upfront view of the fun. Don’t be surprised if your child has school mates there.
Why Join Cub Scouting?
• If you could give only one gift to the young people who are most important in your life, what would it be? No matter what your family situation is, it is within your power to help these children grow into people with a good feeling about themselves and a genuine concern for others. Cub Scouting can assist you in providing this greatest gift of all.
• Cub Scout-age children benefit developmentally from belonging to a small group of peers. Your child will be a part of a den, a small group of Cub Scouts in the same grade level and who are of the same gender. Through this sense of belonging, children build self-esteem and learn to get along with others.
• As a parent, you want to be assured that the groups that your child joins will teach values consistent with good citizenship, character development, personal fitness, and leadership. The values we seek to instill are found in the Scout Oath and Scout Law.
Some Cool Facts about Pack 395
Numbers Speak For Themselves
Years Scouting
Days until fall camping
Days until Blue and Gold